Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 4/5 Last Day Escazu

I can't believe how fast those few days went by already. Tomorrow morning we will be heading back to the car rental place to exchange our regular car for a small 4x4 as we will be driving a little bit (or a lot?) off road. Costa Rica has only  20% of all their streets paved and the rest is...well we are about to find out from tomorrow on. FUN FUN FUN

We had a super nice weekend where we actually went on two kids adventures. Yesterday we went to an old prison which they converted into a Children's Discovery Museum in San Jose. We paid a small entrance fee. Children were $1,20 and Adults $2,20 (how much is our Discovery Museum in San Francisco?). Well this one was very decent. We spent a lot of hours in there while it was pouring outside. Max's most favourite part was the Grocery Store where they get to go around and purchase food (plastic). Everything was on Children level. Shopping Cart, Shelves and portions ;-)

Patricia and her daughter went with us both days and we still got lost a little bit. I'm glad it is not happening to just foreigners.

Today was actually even better. We traveled to Santo Domingo (15min from Escazu) to go and visit Costa Rica's flora and fauna in small. Max got a little glimpse of what is actually expecting us. It was really nice! The jungle must be just one amazing piece of nature next to all the animals and beautiful flowers.
Here the entrance fee shocked me as Patricia (local resident) payed only $7 and I ended up paying $23 for adults and $13 for Max. The price difference is quiet shocking. I don't know if I would have paid the amount if I would have known beforehand. But Max had lots of fun and it was nice to spend one last day with our lovely little host family.

Prison time

Max and Isabella

We still know this guy ;-)

Pineapples - mmmmhh

Max the Tour Guide

Happy in the Rainforest

Have you heard about the moving tree?

Iguana & Max

Tobacco Plant
This is it for today. More to come from our next stations. But I can only say it again: What a beautiful country. The people are just really friendly. Men and Women alike.

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